Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A Ring for the Thing

Yessir! Minds were blown. Hands were high fived. Asian girls were tackled. Wings were delicious. And bathrooms were wrecked.

Harrison's interception was by far the most unfathomable punch in the kiester that has ever been administered in history. Even though there was a second half, that shit was nutso. Yes, there was a game winning drive with a mind bending grab... but a linebacker to make an filthy interception and have a whole defense block to take it 100 yards as time expires?? Yes! And that's why the Asians' beers went everywhere, all over everyones socks.

I really have no desire to complain about endzone offense, Ariands, the running game... what does it matter. It happened. I won the super bowl.

Number ten, it's been a long road of being mistaken for kordell, being told by mom that maybe I should invest in a new jersey, and getting caught with pot. But boy oh boy, what a postseason... I think definitely he showed absolutely more improvement than any other player in the playoffs, maybe the playoff MVP. Certainly deserving of the super bowl MVP.

Not to forget Ben, and Jamo and I had said many times that there's no one else we'd rather have. How sucky would it be to have a Kerry Collins? Could any other quarterback taken us this far with this offensive line? What a baller.

And let's not forget the party food MVP. Maybe? I didn't eat it, I think I just wanted to post this pic.

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