Sunday, March 28, 2010


Hey Everyone!

Kilowatt has center ice! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Overheard at...

22nd and Valencia-ish...

T: Look! It's your favorite shop, the one you wish you worked at! The, uh, homemade shit shop.

M: Well, I respect your hobby, your hobby of running around and throwing discs... with a bunch of... bros!

Bro with laundry: Harsh! Well, I hate that shit too... but, that's tough bro.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Sup dudes -

Lots of updates, I've been screwin' around and haven't posted in a little. Just finished a bacon sando oven-cooked style (via Mary). Let's just get right to it.

NEW BIKE! Got the surly (in black) cross check about a month or two ago, been crushing with it. It's great. Such an upgrade, it's quite a thing to get really excited to ride your bike. Got some toe clip pedals (on the one side, flat on the other), so things are REALLY great while riding. Super, super fast. Beefy tires to avoid the flats, fenders (poorly installed... don't install in the wee hours of the morning) to keep out the rain.

I'm writing this up while watching Gettysburg as I just finished Killer Angels for like the 95th time in my life (could you take Jeff Daniels seriously as your colonel?). Had to reread two super awesome books after the suckiness of the end of the Alvin Maker saga. First, Lord of Light, which is a really, really great book that just went back into paperback print. Highly recommended. Crazy futuristic Hindu/Buddhist religion stuff. The second was Killer Angels, which is the book of books. This bro at dirty thieves last week recommended Shogun to me, have any of you fools checked that out? Now reading Foundation and Earth, which is pretty slow so far with some jerk arguing with some robot chick the whole time. I will give Asimov the benefit of the doubt and hold out.

RANDLE EL! Holy shit!!!!!! How many times has this ever happened? 1. Griffey 2. Michael Jordan (which doesn't really count) 3..... Pee Wee Herman? Anyways, bros are psyched, and I am ready to rock my new surprise (supplies!) away jersey!

Unreal. But with the mega-awesome comes the terrible. WTF. Don't worry, the guy packing my bag up at the IGA, who saw my beanie told me it's gonna be alright.

Buford is killing it! Beautiful ground!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Spy Bro

So on bike from home to the train station today, I went my usual secret passage route inbetween the best buy and the home of trout. Right around there are usually, well I don't want to say "bum", but there are some raggedy bros hanging out here, hoping that Sports Basement throws away a snowboard or something. Anyways this one dude today is crouched on the corner, cig in one hand, and BINOCULARS in the other held up his eyes! In a total sneak attack pose. I thought he was scoping me hard but realized he was completely fixated on the best buy entrance. This dude meant business. So if you hear it go down at the best buy today, just know you heard it here first.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Re: Definition

Lately I've been struggling to wrap my head around the new coming of bro and what it means to my vocabulary. I find myself using bro as a criticism and positive reinforcement, solely based on the context of which it is used it in. True, brolores is overrun by bros posting up, but at the end of the day I'm relying on my bros. Therefore, I urge you to seek the bro-ness in your life, and how you can better bro it up day in and day out.